Referencing Susan Junker’s March 9 letter to the editor, “No Competition, No Progress,” Junker takes credit, albeit unwarranted, for her candidacy having an impact on the “… Commissioners Court agenda and Judge Evans goals.” A bit presumptuous.
Read moreEditor’s Note: A news story on this topic appears in our Capital Highlights section, which begins on page 8. The Bulletin has included the URL’s Mrs. Sinclair used as her source citations.
Read moreOnce again I will suggest that readers check facts that are presented in political opinion columns. I was moved to do this after reading last week’s Republican column, which quoted several “facts” about US dependency on oil from Russia that didn’t match a lot of other information I had been reading since the war in Ukraine began.
Read moreEditor’s Note: The following letter is in reference to the February 16 column headlined “Primary Elections Really Do Matter.”
Read more“This is something the county has been talking about forever”, stated Jack Moseley, Commissioner, Precinct 1, at the February 10, 2022, Commissioners Court meeting in reference to agenda item to “Discuss the next steps to be taken in the renovation of the 1881 Jail and Courthouse buildings”.
Read moreEditor’s Note: The following letter is in response to the February 16 column headlined “The Rule of Law v. Rule by Power.”
Read moreThis past week, a residence on Jewell Road in Pipe Creek was badly burned. As one of the first neighbors on the scene, I watched as the Pipe Creek Volunteer Fire Department arrived and began to attack the raging fire. From my vantage point, I observed firefighters who were professional in every way as they worked together and extinguished the fire. They were both efficient and effective as they functioned as a team. The community of Pipe Creek is indeed fortunate and blessed to have these firefighters dedicated to protecting our property and lives.
Read moreLynn Haueter contradicts herself in her opinion piece, Primary Elections Really Do Matter. She is, in fact, arguing that the voters shouldn't have a choice. I suppose that she believes that the Bandera County Republican Party should anoint whoever that THEY chose, because the peasants are too ignorant to make informed voting choices. It is, the committees and unelected party officials, who are "The Swamp" that President Trump spoke of. Ms Haueter should be ashamed of herself for endorsing any candidate in her party's primary election.
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