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Gravity Check hosts Border Invasion Awareness Rally

October 27, 2021 - 05:00
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  • Gravity Check hosts Border Invasion Awareness Rally
    Kinney County Attourney Brent Smith speaks at the Border Invasion Awareness Rally earlier this month at Gravity Check. “The current status quo of our border is not sustainable. The border crisis that Texans are facing demands action now,” Smith said.

We the People Liberty in Action and the Fredericksburg Tea Party hosted a Border Invasion Awareness Rally at Gravity Check last Sunday, October 17.

Hill Country Patriot radio host Matt hosted the event, introducing several speakers including Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith, Lt. Col. Raul Reyes, border activist and conservative candidate for Texas State Senator District 24, George Rodriguez, broadcast journalist at El Conservador, Mike Miller of Warriors for Ranchers, and Kelly Perry of Kinney County Republican Women.

Brent Smith offered information about the influx of illegal immigration occurring in Kinney County, southwest of Bandera directly bordering Mexico, saying the amount of trespassing immigrants has never been seen before.

According to Smith, the border patrol used to catch about 20 percent of undocumented immigrants; now they are catching approximately five percent. He added 80,000 Haitians are on their way to the United States, and that this “federally funded invasion” can no longer be sustained by law enforcement and has become a matter of national security. “Texas spends $37,000 per illegal immigrant,” he continued. “Our governor does not need permission from the federal government to protect our border. We must do something. We have 25,000 National Guard, and only 2,500 have been deployed.”

Smith stressed the constitutional rights of Texans must no longer be ignored and violated by elected representatives in D.C.“The current status quo of our border is not sustainable. The border crisis that Texans are facing demands action now,” Smith concluded. Raul Reyes emphasized Florida is ahead of the game on issues with the federal government and said Texas must act. He said that the process of illegal immigrants crossing the border is made simple by the federal government, that immigrants are getting across on federal government land easements, which local law enforcement will not touch. Then, they are given NTAs (notices to appear) and bussed out to locations around the country. According to Reyes, the administrative state at the federal level is controlling this.

Kelly Perry shared illegal border crossers are coming from 151 countries. She said they are given $1,400 debit cards, new phones, food cards and a free ride to anywhere in the country they wish to go. Regarding the incoming Haitians, the National Guard has been deployed to Bulverde and Maverick County, which surround Kinney County, but none to Kinney County.

“So, we are the gap to the wall. We asked for help, and nobody came,” said Perry, “The governor still hasn’t figured out what to do with the new invasion.”

Matt Long said that Texas Governor Candidate Don Huffines hinted at shutting down commerce from Mexico to the U.S. through various measures. He presented pictures and stories of ranchers who have had immigrants invade their property and spoke about crimes the cartel are committing on the immigrants they are bringing across the border.

Miller, who is touring the country with General Michael Flynn to “re-awaken America,” presented a bag of cell phones he said contained pictures, criminal activity and tracking information of illegal immigrants and cartel correspondence that will provide substantial evidence of what is occurring in this crisis. A letter from the Texas Border Sub-Regional Planning Commission to Governor Abbott stressed the failure of the state and federal government to secure our border has overwhelmed our emergency services, depleted our county resources and caused irreparable harm and death to the citizens within America’s jurisdiction.