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The Bulletin is not owned by East Coast liberals

July 26, 2023 - 00:00
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The latest issue of the Bandera County Republican Newsletter features some inaccuracies about the Bandera Bulletin from GOP Chairman Conrad J. Streigl.

I’d like to clear those up. For starters, we are not owned by an “East Coast liberal media corporation.”

As noted on our manifest and our website, we are owned by Granite Media Partners Inc., a 40-year-old Texas-based chain entirely made up of Lone Star State newspapers.

You can find more information about Granite and its work online at

For what it’s worth, I grew up in South Texas and I’m proud to call this state my home.

As to assertions the Bulletin has been remiss in covering the 88th Legislature, this is also off the mark.

The Bandera Bulletin has featured multiple articles on legislative happenings, many of which include quotes from Streigl regarding the local GOP’s involvement.

A quick search of our back issues, current issues and the Bulletin’s website will show this to be true.

We recently featured a lengthy piece from state Sen. Pete Flores, R-Pleasanton, about legislative happenings that have an impact on Bandera County.

In addition, the Bulletin has a weekly syndicated column from The Texas Press Association called “Capital Highlights” that showcases legislative activity, committee hearings, the progress of bills and movers and shakers in the Legislature.

We look forward to Mr. Streigl ’s reassessment of Bulletin content and “all the data” regarding this 78-year-old publication cited in the GOP’s latest newsletter.

Meanwhile, I am always happy to have discussions with any of our readers regarding stories in the Bulletin. Drop me a line at