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Voting Outside the Box
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October 19, 2022 - 00:00

Regarding Jodie Sinclair's articles about 'Racism in Texas' she’s correct.

That football’s been passed by the Democrats for over 120 years. They throw away everything dirty belonging to them or drop it like hot potatoes. New Texas Maps aren't about Race. Right or Wrong, they are about politics of keeping districts from electing Anti- Christians, Anti-Nuclear Family Politicians and Open Border Supporters.

As Susan Hull mentions in 9/28/22, the 'Gerrymandering Football' belongs to both Parties. Sinclair wants Conservatives to catch the Racism Football because some defenders at the Alamo owned slaves, but the slave-owning defenders were Democrats. Most defenders like Mexican Nationals fought Santa Anna for repealing the Mexican Constitution.

Democrat Governors controlled Texas from the start for almost 120 years until 1994, the House until 2002, passing laws disenfranchising Blacks, poor Whites and Latinos at the voting booth. They opposed Eisenhower’s 1957 Civil Rights Act, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Those great National Hero Democrats? Wilson probably one of the most racist Presidents, wouldn't let black and white Civil Servants work together. Roosevelt-no Jesse Owens at the White House, just White Olympians, segregated black and white servants at the White House, appointed Hugo Black a KKK member to the Supreme Court, no support for a 1947 bill outlawing lynching.

LBJ wasn’t altruistic about civil rights. He was one shrewd politician, seeking 200-year votes for his party in signing the Civil Rights Act. As senator, he voted against the anti- lynching bill.

We all know about George Wallace, Robert Byrd and Storm Thurmond. Joe Biden turns over the race card depending where the wind blows. Integrating black students would turn schools into a jungle. Now he says he was opposing federal funding and wanted a slower more orderly approach. White America didn't invent slavery although Democrats supported it.

African Tribal Leaders rounded up slaves. Biggest dealers in order: Portugal, Britain, Spain, France, Netherlands and Denmark. It's estimated America bought 6% of the slaves. A third went to Brazil, the rest to Caribbean sugar plantations. You don't hear about the 94% slavery sin in the rest of the world. I’m not excusing it. Just pointing it out. Sugar plantations in the Caribbean and Brazil used mostly males. American population grew because it was better cared for and because male/female ratio was better balanced, thus a higher birth rate. Then Republicans fought Democrats to FREE slaves and preserve our Union.

Minorities had no real voting rights in Texas until Dems lost power, which is what all the crying is about. Their giveaway programs are a new form of slavery keeping people chained and dependent on them. Open borders flood red districts with lifetime moochers to vote Democrat. We’ll have an uneducated workforce unable to speak our language, many working for cash and paying no taxes, Medicare or Social Security. I recall a Democrat Candidate at a Silver Sage Event expressing pride his ranching family paid illegal workers a full $10 Cash. No taxes, No SS, No Medicare, No Health Care; But he paid fair. Even gave them a turkey for Thanksgiving. I wonder if it was the free one from HEB?

Working Citizens foot their bill for health care, schooling and other welfare. Our own suffer due to limited funds. Law allows each Federal Agency to decide who qualifies, with many exceptions for illegals. 26 states use Medicare to cover undocumented immigrants. Children of illegals born in the U.S. are entitled to federal benefits. It's hard to figure exact cost because illegals aren’t required to report status and officials are often prohibited from asking, however it’s estimated at least 23 billion. Sinclair is correct, lots of money is spent on illegals instead of American Citizens and Texas Children.

I think Jefferson's 'Will of the People' was meant for 'Citizens,” not for anyone entering your Country 'Illegality'. Despite how good your leadership is you can't have an efficient local government, secure revenues or maintain infrastructure if you flood your country with uneducated people who don't speak your language, respect your culture or customs and are non-producing. The result is a weaken economy.

How about these 'Enslaved Hispanics'? Henry Cisneros, Henry Flores, Myrna Perez ,Jose Juarez Jr., Lupe Salines all have articles in the book she mentioned. While Democrats suppressed minorities with Jim Crow Laws and The KKK, Republicans helped elect the first Mexican American to Congress, the first Mexican American Federal Judge and the First Mexican American candidate for President. Thanks to Democrats the last Black elected to Congress in the South was in 1870. There wouldn’t be others until 1973. LBJ's Civil rights Act still gets Democrats a lot of misguided minority votes and lost them southern Dem votes. Those southern Dems didn't become Republicans. They just don't vote for the far-left liberals, socialists and commies their party puts up. Some enlighten Democrats probably did become Republicans.

Race Theory saying we should hate because of events 250 years ago is wrong. I had no issue with anyone honoring their homeland, ancestors or their father's flag, until they decided to erase mine. Saying I’m racist just because I am born white is plain stupid. Saying one can't learn because they have darker skin is also stupid. Obama had and still has a chance to help tie the Country together, Instead, he opened the box of revenge and hate. Most Texans over 60 were educated when Democrats controlled the State. So, that football belongs to them. Federal control of the school system the last 60 years has destroyed the thinking of the younger people with farleft liberalism and wokeness.

In my opinion, they are Teaching Socialism instead of the 3 Rs in most schools. I am very impressed with the Bandera County School System and don’t hold that opinion of them.

Sources included:

Federal Programs for Immigrant Eligibility

National Immigration Law Center

US Gov. Accountability Office

National Immigration Forum National Conference of State Legislatures 11/22

Texas State Historical Association

Texas State Law Library

A&M Law Library

John Schuetze Bandera, Texas