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Liberals are above the law, you are not

November 03, 2021 - 05:00
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As I write this article, I am troubled, happy, sad, but most of all I feel vindicated. Once you read this article. I hope you will feel the same way. I want to follow up on the murder that Baldwin committed.

Yes, I said murder. The legal system may not agree that the offense rose to the level of murder. But look at the legal systems track record on holding criminals accountable. I would rate them an E, that’s below an F because they are so bad.

As I write this article, I am going to put a Bandera County twist on it so you know how your Law Enforcement Officers and Justice of the Piece would have most likely handled it.

Let’s review the bidding so we are all on the same sheet of music. The conditions for this murder occurred months before the actual event, all the conditions were in place, the only thing that was missing was for Baldwin to pull the trigger which he eagerly did. But one must ask how many fingers were on the actual trigger?

I am told that most of the film crew walked off the set before filming began because of poor and unsafe working conditions. The set Armorer said in an interview months before the event that she was concerned that she did not have the skills to act as the set armorer. Yet they hired her anyway. On a previous set months before she gave a weapon to an 11-yearold child and there were numerous weapons safety violations on that set as well.

According to Reuters a production company said the assistant director who handed Baldwin the gun and told him it was unloaded, had been fired from an earlier movie over a mishap with a gun. Where these unsafe conditions corrected or just swept under the rug, you decide. I could go on and on with a litany of safety violations but, I think you get the point. So, as the saying goes what do you do after the bang? Baldwin immediately set about taking on the role of the victim, that’s what liberals do, it’s never their fault. It was everybody else’s fault except his. keep in mind he is an actor. This is just another role for him to play and he played the part so well.

Of course, the cowardly liberals immediately blamed the gun that did exactly what it was designed to do. Their logic escapes me but, I guess I don’t understand a liberals warped perverted mind. Liberals have no loyalty to themselves or anyone or anything. They proved this by allowing all these unsafe conditions to exist and when one of their own is killed they blame an inanimate object except the one who killed her.

From the very beginning of the film industry, they have used real guns on movie sets and if the truth be told there have probably been thousands of weapons related accidents that have never been reported or corrected. They vigorously speak out about gun violence, but they routinely use the tool they criticize for their own profit and benefit. I have painted you a picture of a liberal that I hope you agree is not flattering. Based on what I have seen of todays liberals I would like to present a hypothetical situation to you. If today’s liberals were around in 1940 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, I think they would have immediately surrendered, and we would be speaking German or Japanese today. Today’s liberals are incapable of true compassion or loyalty and there is not an ounce of honor among them.

Now, if this murder would have occurred in Bandera County Texas, I have it from reliable sources that Baldwin would have been jailed, most likely been charged with voluntary manslaughter and his bond set at $100 thousand. He would have then had to prove his innocence in a court of law. Not in the liberal media.

As I said at the beginning of the article, I feel somewhat vindicated because I think the American people can see through this litany of lies and deceit. I have but one regret regarding this sordid episode. That is a young woman in the prime of her life paid the price and she will never receive justice, and for that I have come to hate. I do not hate the liberals because of this murder. I hate them because of what they have made me become.

Conrad Streigl is the Bandera County GOP Secretary and Bandera County Precinct Chair 102. He resides in Pipe Creek.