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Back to Eden Wellness

October 20, 2021 - 00:00
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The Bible states, “A broken spirit drieth the bones but a merry heart worketh good like a medicine,” and psychology (cognitive-behavioral treatment) operates on the premise that “It’s not what happens to you in life that destroys you, it’s you perception or belief about the event.” This explains why two people can go through the same event, one becomes better than ever and the other never recovers from it!”

A visionary sees what can be, while most see only what is visible at the moment, but without a vision, people perish, and without a dream and a purpose, life can become meaningless; but to find our destiny, we must obtain wellness.

Laughter increases t-cells, and when you do something better than expected for someone, you create dopamine, a neuro-transmitter pleasure chemical, in their brain, and your brain rewards you with serotonin, the calm satisfied feeling.

If something better than expected happens to you, or if you believe something better than expected is going to happen (positive thinking), your brain produces dopamine. Dopamine and serotonin feel good and influence how we fall and stay in love, work-ethics, self-esteem and behaviors or addictions.

Dopamine is the fireworks, and serotonin is the cool breeze and peaceful sunset, and honestly don’t we all need a little of each to be happy!

The mind should control the body when the heart is right spiritually, allowing problems to stay on the outside of us instead of on the inside, thereby allowing us to live in the relaxation response and not the adrenalin response.

Positive self-talk motivation inspired by faith and healthy self-esteem and forgiveness makes all the difference. The glass is always half-full as much as its half empty.

Adrenalin is made from the real or imaginary threat of danger and should be activated only in the presence of true danger. A negative, fearful thought gets adrenalin pumping, explaining why people that worry less live longer and get ill less.

Our bodies were created to restore and rejuvenate themselves if given the right nutrition combined with exercise, faith and a positive attitude. The older we get, the more we should incorporate these.

Everyone should have a fairytale romance and love story; it should not be the exception. the result of true Kings and Queens of Dopamine fulfilling each other’s wish lists unselfishly.

I do couples coaching using personality tests, love language tests, communication skill building, dopamine wish lists and winwin solution contracts without getting into your personal business and guarantee good outcomes. I do this on a donation basis or free and it’s the reason I wrote the book, “The Win-Win Solution contract,” and my customized fairytale is free for all who participate by zoom, duo or in person.

Seeing you happy is my second-hand dopamine and my reward. One person can make a difference!

Debra Winger is a licensed clinical counselor with over 16 years of experience in the field. Her books, “the Win-Win Solution Contract” and “The Counsel Mentality of FDR, a Guide for Leaders” are available on Amazon. She can be reached at