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Community center receives COVID recovery

October 05, 2022 - 00:00
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The Lakehills Community Center (LHCC) was granted 88,600 in COVID-19 Local Fiscal Recovery Funds by the Bandera County Commissioners in a unanimous decision last month; the funds will be used for various expenditures and repairs.

Bandera County Judge Richard Evans expressed the center represents a pivotal and crucial role to the rural community of Lakehills.

Commissioner Bobby Harris, who previously served as LHCC President, of the LHCC in the past stated, “I’m very familiar with the needs, the wants, and the have-tohaves in that center. Their calendar is full. Every month it’s full of events that are taking place. In my opinion, one of the most important things we do is we vote there.”

In reference to LHCC’s funds request, County Auditor Darryl Sadler stated, “I didn’t see anything on here that would fall outside the realm of receiving the COVID money.”

According to Beedle, LHCC requires the funds to cover the additional expenses they incurred as it continued to meet needs in the community though the pandemic by hosting vaccine clinics, blood drives, food distributions, school supply events, water assistance, programs that enhancing both physical and mental health and other programs through their creative use of their space and resource.

LHCC also experienced extreme financial setbacks due to having to cancel the Cajun Fest, which was a loss of $33,000.

The center will spend the funds on several recovery expenses such as A/C repair, a water storage tank, COVID-19 products and signage costs.

In addition, they will use the money to purchase a new website, redesign and upgrade restrooms and replace carpeting in the Panchita Pavilion, replace picnic tables in the Gazebo Pavilion, replace fans in two pavilions and replace HVAC in a phased approach.

Harris said, “They have provided a tremendous amount of documentation, even provided three bids for each request. They’ve definitely done their homework.”

To view LHCC’s calendar of events and programs, go to