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Bandera ISD implements School Guardian Program

July 20, 2022 - 05:00
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The Bandera ISD Board of Trustees approved the implementation of the School Guardian Program in BISD during their regular monthly meeting on July 11. This program authorizes, through written permission, specific individuals including district employees to carry firearms on campus.

In most cases, the school district limits authorization to commissioned peace officers, but the district can grant other school officials and even classroom teachers the right to carry firearms on campus.

According to a Texas School Safety Center Audit in 2020, only 280 out of 1022 school districts in Texas participate in a School Guardian Program.

Bandera ISD also presented an information item on an interlocal agreement between the district and Bandera County to place school resource officers (SROs) on each campus. Further action could be taken on this item during the regular agenda in August.

Director of Facilities Dayle Heiner presented an information item on the Facilities and Maintenance Department’s work during the summer.

“At Bandera ISD, we are blessed to have 23 of the most dedicated people serving our students, staff, and community,” he stated. “The custodial and maintenance staff work countless hours behind the scenes to ensure that we give our students and staff the best place for learning possible.”

Heiner also remarked, “The school could not run without this committed group of men and women coming in early before the buses and staying late after the last game is over to maintain our facilities. They do many thankless jobs daily. They all deserve our gratitude and appreciation. I am very proud and thankful to be the leader of such a wonderful group.”

The consent agenda was approved and there were no citizens comments.

During the Information portion of the meeting, the Technology Department report detailed the arrival of the new ChromeBooks which will be used for the one-to-one computer initiative implemented by the district.

The Board also heard the first reading of board policy EIC (Local), which would affect academic achievement and class rank.

During the Regular Agenda, the Board voted to approve: Budget Amendment #1; the selection of an architectural provider for use during a possible bond; a new elementary Physical Education and Health textbook adoption; and the purchase of Edgenuity, a credit recovery and accelerated instructional program.

The next meeting of the Bandera ISD Board of Trustees will be on Monday, August 8 at the Central Administration Building on Pecan Street in Bandera.