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Letter from the Editor

June 16, 2021 - 05:00
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We have recently received an influx of letters, news tips and submissions, and we are very grateful for your correspondence and readership.

We have also received calls and letters inquiring in regards to the absence of content, specifically Glenn Clark’s Growing Up in Bandera column last week and the arrest report the week before that.

As stated on our manifest (fancy word for the side bar that always appears on page two), all copy and photos must be submitted by noon on Friday the week before the paper comes out.

Naturally, news is always in flux regardless of our deadlines, especially in a place like Bandera, so I try to be as lenient as I can, often allowing content to come in by noon on the Monday before the paper is built.

Here’s a fun peek behind the curtain: we are charged by the printing press for every minute we are late to press. The deadlines allow me time to edit stories and get them to the creative department so they can lay out the paper (we are one of about a dozen others their department works on weekly) and we can ship it off to press without any unnecessary expense.

The arrest report for June 2’s paper was absent because it was not sent to us until late the afternoon of Tuesday, June 1, which was entirely understandable since the day before was a holiday. Last week’s paper reflected that report and the next one they sent in.

In regards to Mr. Clark’s column, it was simply sent far too late in the afternoon for us to get it in time, and the Bandera Bulletin is happy to include his column once again in this issue.

If you’ve somehow made it this far into the column without dozing off reading about the minutiae of running this newspaper, I’d like to thank you again for your readership and encourage you to continue writing, calling in or dropping by the office. Regardless of the tone of your topic, please continue doing so.

Our motto under the masthead says we serve the community, and we can’t do this without knowing how you feel about the paper, positive or negative.

With that in mind, I want to clarify that the purpose of this column isn’t to point fingers at anyone or childishly place any sort of blame.

Rather, I’m hoping this transparency about how our sausage is made can ensure we keep serving the community as best as we possibly can.

Again, please do contact us, even if you just want to tell us how much we suck.

On that note, tone doesn’t matter when writing a letter to the editor, and I will print it (within reason, as laid out on the aforementioned masthead) regardless of tone, but please do contact us. I can’t know, clarify or seek to rectify things if one just assumes or posts a rant on social media without contacting us first.

As my high school Sunday School Teacher Mr. Madsen used to say, we all know what happens when you assume.