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The King Is Coming

July 14, 2021 - 05:00
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Having abolished three cabinet positions and departments, Congress should add a new cabinet position headed by a Secretary of Economic and jobs recovery who would facilitate the development of the fourth industrial revolution.

Innovations featured would be:

3D printers combined with artificial intelligence can launch millions of small businesses and full employment. It will become the new engine of mass production for every industry and product including food, clothing, electric cars, organ transplants and more, located in garages, neighborhood shops and abandoned factories.

Install backyard power stations, cutting electric bills in half.

Super batteries that can power a gasoline free vehicle 9,600 miles on a single charge. Charging stations would include other services.

Solar window generators replacing the need for electric companies, needing laborers to replace household windows with solar sprayed glass or plastics.

Internet of things for medical services and other industries.

Space travel, driver-less vehicles and ships, robotics, 5G, and more.

The new jobs recovery secretary would research and widely publicize to communities and church home-groups: new shop and industry job openings, locations, middle-income salary ranges and salaries with middle-income potential, and hiring eligibility requirements. The secretary would check out the availability of affordable housing, and workers would need to be mobile to move to the location of rewarding jobs suitable to their abilities.

There will be no more governmental polices to artificially stimulate the economy; instead to let the economy work itself back to a rational living standard including regaining a strong middle class, an economically righteous testimony for our returning King.