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I want your water and to hell with you

September 22, 2021 - 00:00
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Well, your favorite deplorable is at it again. This next article is about your life blood, also known as water. It will be written in two segments because there is so much data that I want to discuss with you. After reading both segments I hope you discuss these articles with your friends, neighbors, family members and whomever will listen. Guys, the water issue in Bandera County and rural Texas for that matter is getting very serious.

Before I get into the article I want to talk about water. How much there is in the world, how it affects us and what the long-term outcome will be for you the resident of Bandera County. Four-fifths of the surface of the earth is covered with water. However less than three percent is potable without some form of purification which depending on the degree of impurities and salt the more it cost to make it potable. Depending on your age the human body is made up of 50-75 percent water. So, you are mostly water and can only live about three days without it. All animal need water also. So, you can see the need for more and more potable water as our population grows. If you don’t see a problem, look what is happening on the West Coast of America. Farmers and Ranchers are having to plow up thousands of acres of crops and sell off livestock because of the lack of water. Power production is being curtailed or shut down all together because of the lack of water in the lakes to drive the hydroelectric plants. I could go on and on, but I think you are starting to get the picture A thinking individual would say, let’s get in front of the problem and fix it. Well, I hate to tell you this but liberal governments in the big cities have and they have decided YOU are the problem and to fix it YOU need to go. They are willing to sacrifice YOU for the betterment of the big cities. Keep in mind these people produce nothing, they grow or raise nothing, all they do is consume for the most part. But the liberal mentality of the big cities is willing to kill off the producers because it is the fastest way for them to gain and maintain control. And yes, it is all about control. Oh, you say I am being too critical well, as you read on in this series it will become far too evident what the liberals are up to and the irony of it all is that they are willing to sacrifice their own kind that live out here among us for the good of who they have decided are more worthy. So, if you are a liberal that lives in rural Texas, I would suggest you wake up and smell the coffee. You are about to be eaten by your own kind. I think they call that cannibalism.

As I do the research and write these articles I cannot, for the life of me understand why liberals think the way they do. Is it a disease or virus like COVID, is it a genetic flaw in their genome? Is it as simple as they are just bats**t crazy? You tell me. I for one do not have all the answers.

OK, now we are going to get into the facts and my attempt to make you understand my logic. I will use San Antonio (SA) as an example. This example could be Houston, Dallas, or Austin. All are essentially trying the same thing at the same time. As we all know all the large metropolitan areas in Texas are liberal. And as a rule, they are continually trying to grow and expand their power base. To do this they need more land area and water to attract more liberals for a free government ride which translates into more votes. We all know that SA is growing and needs more land area. One way to get more land area is a program that they pushed and got the State of Texas to sign off on for implementation is called the Endangered Species Habitat Acreage Transfer Program. A fancy name for a program that lets them kill and develop Endangered Species by destroying their habitats. You say wait; you are not allowed to kill endangered species. Keep in mind NO I repeat NO rules applies to the government. I have read this program and set through a briefing about 3 years ago when they came to Bandera County pushing this debacle. They have numerous other long-term programs to acquire land for development but, I am not going to get into all those programs. OK so now they have a long-term plan to get more and more land for development they need the other two pieces to the development Triade. Oh, you say what is the development Triade. Simple put it is money, which is the easiest to get through over taxation (ring a bell), land which is a bit more difficult, but with programs like the one I discussed above, this goal is also vary achievable. Now for the long pole in tent. Water. Water is the most difficult to obtain for their development Triade because of the Texas Constitution and YOU. Yes, YOU the arrogant crusty old property owner is standing in their way. And I am proud to say that I stand beside you.

I hope I have peaked you interest because the real meat of this article is yet to come. So, stay tuned for next week’s conclusion of I want you water and to hell with you.

In closing, I want to go back to my long standard closing by saying tonight when the sun sets, go outside with your family, take a knee and give thanks to the almighty that he has seen fit to allow you to be born into the greatest country in history.

Conrad Striegl is the Bandera County GOP Secretary and Bandera County Precinct Chair 102. He resides in Pipe Creek.