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Are Elections Secure?

April 27, 2022 - 05:00
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Stating the obvious, many people have been expressing concern about the integrity and security of our elections when fraud has been found, while others claim it’s all a conspiracy theory to discredit the accusations because currently the fraud may be in their favor. They say their proof is invalid or not enough for ‘widespread fraud’. BUT proof doesn’t matter when the claims cannot gain traction even though there is substantial proof and proof tellers are unable to engage the media to educate the voters of the fraud that has been uncovered. Therefore, whenever someone provides proof, it’s ignored and brushed off like the ‘crazy’ has been let out of a cage.

Unfortunately, monetization of podcasts entices small podcasters to present their own material in small segments. Well-meaning podcasters may do more harm as they have reported fraud that has taken place and are labeled as ‘Conspiracy Theorists’, as Big Tech and the MSM have worked extremely hard to discredit them. Even Moderates are turned off by the inconsistencies of the multitude of messages. A consolidated effort is necessary to show a grander number of people and more credibility to show we are on the same page and will do what we need to ensure our elections are safe and secure.

To make a realistic statement, guarding against any voter fraud would be preferable, however, here are 2 quotes from Biden which should turn every Constitutional Supporter’s ear and create a thirst for knowledge of how fraudulent elections have become, no matter what political affiliation you are. (These two quotes by Biden have been widely reported and can easily be found with a simple search.)

“It matters who counts the votes” - Joe Biden

“We have the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization.” - Joe Biden (While a supposed gaffe, it does give pause!)

What would it take to get back our confidence in our elections?

This is my high-level view of the election process from Voting to Reported Results with questions:

Proof exists that fraud occurs - extensive fraud has expanded from dead people voting to videos of ballot boxes being stuffed (watch “2000 Mules” movie), nursing/assisted living homes ballot fraud (including mentally incapacitated patients with care givers using ballots to vote for residents), ballot harvesting, election machine manipulation, etc. I would hope that all voters are able to determine how their vote has been recorded for any given election if they so desire. But… would that really matter since the official voting results are submitted to an offshore company with no tracking or visual of individual votes.

Local Votes Counted - In whose hands are we submitting our individual and county vote counts? Does this give voters a false sense of security?

Votes Reported – To whom are we submitting our results to be accumulated and tallied? IF these votes accurately represented ‘We the People” votes at even a 90% accuracy rate, because of successfully stopping known voter fraud, how can we trust elections again without a better verification system in place?

State Votes Tallied – Are votes tallied in a city, like Houston or Austin, where they have refused to prosecute anyone for voter fraud and refuse to shore up their voter rolls? Can local election authorities see where their votes have been counted correctly in the totals at a state level after they submitted them? In today’s climate, how can we believe the State will report them correctly in National elections?

State Election Results Submitted – Once votes are submitted to an OFFSHORE company (with our country’s fate in non-US voters’ hands) are each state or local results trackable?

Final Tally of Votes – Voting results data was captured from each state as it was sent to the Offshore Company. Results were then changed within the Offshore Company’s system. Proof exists that the changed results were spread out nationwide focusing mostly on the swing states to affect the Electoral College overall voting. The captured results that were sent back to the US Federal Election Commission as ‘Final Results’ were not the same as the Results that were submitted individually by state. The proof is in the minute details, taking tech savvy individuals to capture, uncover, and analyze this fraud. No one was supposed to be able to compare Individual state results data sent over to this Offshore Company vs the Final Cumulative Totals coming back to the US Federal Election Commission.

For the naysayers, knowing today’s climate, ask yourself what possible reason is there to entrust an Offshore company with our country’s election results?

Shirley Grohman is a lifelong conservative, Retired AT&T IT Project Manager, small business owner, residing in Lakehills, and a member of the Bandera County GOP Election Integrity Committee. The views expressed in this column do no necessarily represent those of the Bandera County Republican Party.