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October 19, 2022 - 00:00

Never have playing a role in politics, but I have a love in my community. I am not one to usually write something, but at this point I can no longer keep quite.

Mr. Haueter continues to write hateful letters to your paper and you keep publishing his letters. I realize it may sell papers, but keeps continuing stir the pot with the Bandera Republican board. I must ask my self why??? His home is on the market, he has bought property in another state and claims he is building a home there, he has a home in California, so what is his reason. If I was leaving a community, I would wash my hands of it and not look back. Again what is his point of stirring the pot? I have also noticed that the Bandera Republican board has continued to have meetings with guest speakers, participate in parades and other community gatherings. They are not mud slinging at Mr. Haueter.

Now being elderly I have researched some of these names that Mr. Haueter keeps mentioning in his letters: Mr. Streigl is Retired Military, John Mata retire Border Patrol, Rene Leith is a local business owner, Darcy Hasty is a previous jailer and currently sits on City Council, plus she is a Pre Trail Service Director, Laura Brisco’s Retired Marine, Deanna Skoglund is a retired business owner, now to me most of these people have served our country and currently donate their time and efforts for this community. At the same time I have researched Mr. Haueter, Chief of Staff, for US Representative Blake Farenthold, which used $84k in taxpayers fund to pay off a hostile workplace and sexual harassment lawsuit, he served on the Board of Flying L POA, and has caused many issues amongst property owners since being there. There is plenty more on the internet and on YouTube that can be researched on Mr. Haueter and how he seems to do this everywhere he goes. My findings have giving me the conclusion that I would rather stand by the Bandera Republican board, than lie in bed with a snake and Mr. Haueter seems like a snake. I look forward to this being published!

Sincerely, Miguel Sanchez Bandera Texas